Hitler was not "controlled opposition" Anonymous 05/13/2024 (Mon) 01:45 Id: 1d2868 No.93664 del
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THE ROOTS OF the “Hitler-Controlled-Opposition” myth go back to the 1920s and 1930s in the circles of Hitler’s political rivals, namely the German and Soviet Communist parties, the leftists of the West, and the hard left faction of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (NSDAP).[1] The intention was obviously to prevent Hitler and the NSDAP from being elected. So, Hitler sued the leftist newspaper Berlin Vorwaerts that was defaming him with slogans such as “Hitler Got Jewish and Ford Money,” and won his libel case for which he was ironically awarded 6 million marks.[2]

Since then, many other myths about Hitler and how and why he came to power were created for different reasons.

Here are a few of the most famous of these straw man fallacies:
• Hitler was a crypto-Jew and a Freemason Zionist, an “Illuminist” put in place by the Rothschild clan in order to destroy Germany and prepare for the Jewish takeover of the world and the foundation of the state of Israel.[3]
• Zionists put Hitler in power and “ordered him to create a Holocaust. They did this to atone for their sins to their god, to create an incentive for Jews to move to Palestine, and to create a pretext for “genociding” the Palestinians and stealing their land.”[4]
• “Nazis who did not lose the war” and are now in power in the US and in the West [!], are trying to bring a form of National Socialism to America and the world, creating in essence a new Empire or “Fourth Reich.”[5]
Hitler was a puppet specifically put in power to start WW2 in order to enrich the American and German capitalist bankers and corporations that financed him.[6]

Intentionally or not, these myths discredit Hitler and his extraordinary achievements[7] by portraying him as a traitor to his nation, an unscrupulous warmonger, a psychopath who couldn’t care less about his people and the effects of the war he triggered for sickly reasons. Nobody comes close to this Darth Vader of humanity except Putin. In reality, Hitler never had such imperialistic ambitions. Moreover, Hitler had the support of the vast majority of his people after raising his nation from starvation and the gutter. Moreover, Hitler was neither Jewish nor Jewish-controlled,[8] had both his testicles, was not a homosexual or a pedophile, and resisted war to the very end.[9] He was in fact considered by most honest and level-headed people to be the greatest statesman of his time.[10) So, what role do the above myths play in today’s politics? These false accusations are used to confuse and lead the public astray. The protagonists of political or rabbinic Judaism, aka globalism and Zionism, are the ones who are actually attempting with their non-Jewish vassals, by various subversions, to take control of the world and enslave humanity.

And they are not doing this for religious or spiritual reasons. As Yale Professor Henry Ashby Turner (1932-2008) stated in his stupendously well-referenced book German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler, whose conclusions are now accepted by nearly all specialists in the field,[11]

One of the most basic premises of the professional study of history is that events are not directly caused by abstract concepts, whether those be “the hand of God,” “manifest destiny,” or “monopoly capital.” The concrete events of history occur because of the actions of human beings, who often carry out their will, to be sure, through institutions of their own creation. Unless this proximation form of causation can be convincingly demonstrated, the invocation of more remote levels of causation remains empty speculation, bereft of any foundation in the realities of history.[12]

So, if it’s not a spiritual or a religious war, what is it? Well, this is in fact a racial war that doesn’t say its name, a war in which our enemy uses religion and other tricks to fool competitors and to mobilize his supporters of all denominations.