Anonymous 05/13/2024 (Mon) 04:44 Id: 9548e1 No.93669 del
Imagine appealing to the Bailout Failed out Jewish Dollar as some ultimate authority of determining value.

Who said anyone is converting anything into dollars once one has Gold Silver Bullets Guns and a small amount of Monero

White Families are purchasing their food from White Farmers directly using Monero and no longer using the Jewish Bailout Dollar

Using Bailout Dollars allows the Nigger Jews Dollar Cult to spy on your income transactions via their banking system so they can impose income tax and steal white labor.

jews afford niggers a 1st world life style by stealing white labor via income tax

monero ends this.
>You can't provide ways on how to replace the USD and actually survive.

I can't imagine being brainwashed by the Jews like this.

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