Anonymous 05/13/2024 (Mon) 09:30 Id: 79d640 No.93679 del
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On the accusation that magda goebbels was a jewess

This myth is caused by the stupid assumtion on residency card of her adoptive father Richard FriedLander for who it was impossible to ever be a farher of Magda as by the time her mother entered into second marriage after the divorce with Oskar Ritschel she already had cca 5 years (remember second marriage was cca in 1905)
The reason why seprging around Friedlander came in the first place was because of first
>The social shaming over illegitimate children in early 20th century
Which caused the inheritence card found on her residence where for reasons above she was labeled as not a illegitimate child but biological child of that jew
Second because of her first husband we can deduct back she WASNT a child of jew as he demanded from her to reclaim her biological rathers surname before mariage
Nobody ever mentions anything else but that residence card or archive where it was found

>But she dated a jew in early years
There is no evidence it was romantic relationship before that jewish fuck went to palestine only her first marriage was and even then she divorced because of lack of attention to her and family where her man wasnt a jew
>But she met a mason and was buddhist
She wasnt even in nsdap by that time and to this day in prominent institues you can find a members of lodges easily as same as in past
Second there are no reports from peers ever her saying this or them confirming this and historian accusation is empty if not founded on archival finding

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