Sunflower 05/14/2024 (Tue) 19:37 Id: fea48d No.7795 del
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A history of spellcasting

and its inaccuracy


"Let's send inspiration to writers to get better things to watch"
Results: Downton Abbey, Enchanted, Vampire Diaries

World stage

"Wtf are NATO attacking Libya for, and why Syria, I thought they were the good guys. No, let's reverse this evil back at whoever instigated this"

Results: Snowden defects to Russia and exposes 5-9-14 eyes. Hillary has her e-mails exposed and loses the election. Gaddhafi's death faked by NATO, he escapes to Mali where Islamists take over and create hell for the French.

Long terms effects: Russia helps Syria win the war against NATO funded Muslim brotherhood. Africans get tired of Frenchs influence and kick them out in favour of Russia.

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