The light 4/4 Ashley 05/01/2024 (Wed) 10:24 No.4125 del
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>Now let us get out of this terrible weather and back to the guild before we freeze to death shall we? Yulya gets up and reaches Ashley her outstretched hand.

Ashley shakes her hand and uses it to get up.

Thank you for accepting me for who I am... I'm going to need some time alone though if that's okay. I know there's enough money to cover the 10 gold I owe you, thank gods for that but if you find it in your heart to give me 5 gold from that as my share, it'll be all that I need for my barest essentials, food, board and all that for this quest until I get officially paid.

Don't decide that now, we'll talk with everyone. You can explain it to them or I will but from here we can work something out. I have faith in you and in Cat.

Now this scene occurs

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