I concede100% our fault Joy the DM and yet still human 05/01/2024 (Wed) 20:54 No.4132 del
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This post is not meant as an escallation or ultimatum, merely a plea for continued play if that's still possible at this point.

If there's no acceptable comprimise, Ashley has told me she's willing to step out and she holds no animosity with anyone, including me, for just wanting to play so the campaign can continue as you like. She'll enjoy the campaign through me and be removed from this world in any form or influence. Portions of my plans that were written to include her will simply evaporate.

I recommend you, Alice, Yulya, and Cat decide on:
1. Whether or not the campaign is salvageable.
2. Whether or not you want Ashley to continue.
3. If yes to 1 and 2, then a comprimise you can stomach without animocity. That comprimise is obviously not going to be 100% ideal Yulya's game and not 100% Ashley gets her way.

It's not at all unprecedented or "insane" to have a party split funds in whole or part or have a separate pool for buying equipment with some portion being allowed as discretionary income, borrowed, lent, etc.

The rules should have been set day 0 and that's my naivete for not understanding this until now but 100% pooling like a single player game wasn't what was assumed on our end and not typically how this game is played, but you should be able to play it your way, hopefully there is a comprimise if not then that's okay too.

I apologize if it's not exactly as you assumed. Which is why to alieviate that Ashley is willing to allow you all to move on without her so that you may be as you wish. Please don't take this as a hissy fit or rage quit, she's sobered quite a bit from what you said and is worried a lot about your continued friendship with Bear which wasn't ever her intent to disturb. If this is thought of as insane or hurtful then I do not have a solution that makes all parties whole but I am open to suggestions. Again excluding 100% all one way as that would set a damaging precedent in my mind as there will be countless times where comprimise is required with issues greater than this one with or without Ashley.

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