Drip like a real adventurer Ashley 05/13/2024 (Mon) 02:26 No.4271 del
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The door to the guild hall opens and the din of the crowd settles as she enters.

A confident looking, well dressed adventuress turns heads as she walks in the hall. She looked every bit a proper adventurer and she was proud of her choices. She smelled of leather and new wool and appreciated the choices available in this big city, she got exactly what she wanted.

She paused as everyone looked at her, stunning as she was, and took a deep breath before continuing.

All eyes were on her and she was feeling pretty nervous suddenly. One of the ‘party goers’ sitting in the hall met her at the door, an adorable wood elf with wild eyes stared at her hungrily, “did you just buy that? Wow.”

Ashley blushed and reached in her pocket producing a candy, “thanks for the compliment,” She said and offered it to her.

That was all the elf needed to push her over the edge, “can we be friends Ashley?”

Ashley smiled at her then mussed her hair and pushed past her, “what a sweet thing to say, maybe later.”

The wood elf puffed out a breath of shock as Ashley passed.

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