vamp 05/12/2024 (Sun) 10:33 No.67650 del
(1.50 MB 2560x1920 Lulu.jpg)
What do you get from making other girls insecure? I've never understood the enjoyment you could possibly get from this. Kinda crazy how much people differ from others, I would pay millions to see life in another perspective, honestly.
>i'd be willing to ignore the fact that you look trans if you didn't have such fucked up teeth. is it that hard to get braces
Well well, obtaining orthodontic braces is indeed considered a privilege, given their ultra expensive financial cost.
Im preparing to get braces soon once I have enough money to afford them.
There has to be something wrong with you to care enough about some random girl's teeth, as it seems to EXCEED normal bounds of concern.
But I enjoy doing silly make-up also stop calling me a cunny, I am clearly not one and I dont wanna involve myself with that shitty lolicon vocabulary.