Anon 05/01/2024 (Wed) 00:03 No.10297 del
I was "researching" climate change ("pay your carbon tax goy") when I saw this Louisiana-related thread titled "The US government can legally order your genitals to be cut off":

No.466231674 is a salient post in that thread:
> >>466231391
> Well I'm not (and brother is anyone else). Because they're not going to insist this punishment on Jews and cops, or any other establishment scum. Kill yourself

The info presented in that thread: it's cruel and unusual punishment and therefore bad. Even if it was part of a plea deal, even those should have limits. Mutilation is not a power the government should wield. Slippery slope is real, and little by little the norms shift.

>>8482 (2022-11 post)
>And I've sworn off alcohol
Care to elaborate? Were you an alcoholic or something? Alcoholics would say something like "why would anyone want to not feel like this?" I got drunk multiple times before. After it wears off: one or multiple times it felt like my emotions were out of wack; another time, I felt achy. Additionally, the nice sensation while being drunk does not last that long in my experience.