Anon 05/10/2024 (Fri) 08:16 No.10338 del
>>However,for MLP, you don't need to be all that skilled. In fact,with proper placement of the ruler,you can draw basically anything. I mean, it's all curves and a few counted lines.
>I'd say a lot of cartoons are that way. One of the rules of animation is breaking down something to is simplest element so it can be easily drawn over and over. MLP though is an especially simple design. I mean the bodies of the basic unicorn, pegasus and earth pony are just the same base with a few cosmetic details changed
That was something I was thinking about somewhat recently. I could make my own animation using a simple consistent level of details. I was more interested in hand-drawn not-Flash-animated animations like G1 MLP or older (Daffy Duck and whatever from the 1900s). In some autobiography this guy said something like "I'm gonna shoot myself if I have to draw another damn frame of Bugs Bunny" when he was animating for Disney/Warner Bros./whatever.

I was also interested in the production process for anime, which seems to have grander animations than non-Japanese cartoons.


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