How can I get involved? Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 08:22 No.10367 del
(1.08 MB 788x535 Odds_and_Ends.gif)
Anypony can get started with something! Here is a simple (and incomplete for more in depth stuff) guide to for some suggestions on starting out.

Simply starting out:
Individualized archiving and keeping of records (especially interested in basic accounts and timelines of websites, see:>>4085). If you have any memories to share, that is nice as well! Even old screencaps and old accounts of what a place was like! {If thread seems too busy or it seems a bit off form main objectives, I again point to /culture/:>>10356)

For videos: Youtube (and other many other websites!) YT-DLP is the best thing available right now.
Don't forget the comments!
yt-dlp with --write-comments or this script here: which That we had been using in the past rather intensively. NOTE: both not working for me as of writing this, uncertain if broken by a Youtube update or just something wrong on my end, don't have much time to test at the moment.

For full websites, the best option is grab-site from the Archive Team. It is a specialty tool that archives websites in the WARC file format:
Note that Windows support is experimental.

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