Sunflower 05/01/2024 (Wed) 10:58 Id: 62af79 No.7644 del
This book may be useful.

Also, not to sound discouraging but
>all the methods seemed complicated and like they'd take months to work
It does take months. Just learning a decent set of Ashtanga yoga poses takes months. Just make a plan for your practice. In this example I used a book and went through 3 new poses each time, until I had tried all of them. Then I started from the beginning again and picked out those I found most useful. I referred to the book until I knew the poses and then I started on improving them by feeling myself how they work instead of going blindly by instructions.

I did the same with the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.

The beginner course by Sadhguru is 40 days for the first round, because you need to complete one cycle of external time with the practice.