Sunflower 05/01/2024 (Wed) 15:27 Id: 18cc63 No.7645 del
1. TBH I've already downloaded that book and read a bit through it. It doesn't really attack the key issue effectively. It's more focused on yoga itself that the specific task I'm trying to solve. For example doing a lot of these exercises require that you alter your flexibility over months first to get into certain positions to even do them correctly. I'm not trying to be a Buddhist I'm trying to be an occultist.

2. You've probably already left the thread, but you didn't really answer my questions.

Not to be rude, but how would I even gauge your advice if you aren't proficient in the exercises I'm trying to master?

Have you even timed yourself?

Because if you haven't gotten to 5 minutes in Dharana (with ZERO mental interruptions - random visuals, random sounds, etc) with all of your training, I wouldn't even bother doing it either.

I got to 1 minute by drilling a simple exercise over and over for a few weeks, there's no way in hell I'm switching over to something that takes years or months to get to 2 minutes lol.

There has to be something more effective, and I'll keep searching and testing until I find it.

The good thing about methods like this is that the proof is obvious, there is no guesswork, by duration with the exercise is either going to increase or not. So I'll immediately know if an exercise is effective or not.