Bear 08/22/2023 (Tue) 11:12 No.1738 del
Forgive me father for I have sinned, I had to postpone leg day due to some bullshit nothing burger storm that amounted to light rain, but we're past that. One day I postponed because my friends were worried about me and flooding--no flooding ever happened. The next day was postponed because the flipping gym was closed due to an abundance of caution. Father, I should have had faith in your infinite wisdom and withheld the sacrament of leg day but I repent my ways and will resolve and renew my faith in you, great lord of the gains.

Great leg day finally. I can barely walk. Had a good swim at the gym which is nasty but the flipping uni pool is too crowded when school is in session.

Swimming after leg day is key, it removes all the soreness and massages the muscles from the inside.