Yakumo 09/12/2023 (Tue) 22:04 No.1939 del
That sounds like - a lot of work. I've always just eaten when I'm hungry until I'm full and never reached 75kg in my life. Mostly around 70. Even without exercise. Fatties hate me.

Why - first I don't eat a lot when I'm busy and I'm mostly busy, I simply forget about eating without being hungry. Sometimes an entire day. The brain has other interesting stuff to do and doesn't think about food. Second - most stuff I eat is hard to digest and doesn't contain a lot of calories. It will be interesting how things change with hitting the gym 2-3x per week, we'll see. Gonna start slow and careful so I don't expect otherworldly gainz anytime soon.

On planking news, tupper made me do 3min today. It wasn't comfortable, forearms and shoulders started to burn but it was doable. Weird, that's 3 times of what I managed a short while ago. Ok, I didn't go to full exhaustion in the beginning but still. You're absolutely right, 10sec does nothing for us, but if you're severely unfit or obese things probably look different. I remember when I couldn't even do 5 push-ups in school. Doing only 3 push-ups definitely did something. The important thing is that you start doing as much as you can, no matter how little it initially may be.