Bear 09/16/2023 (Sat) 02:51 No.1974 del

Okay good. Take it easy, it's not a competition or a race, don't do anything that makes joints ache and especially sharp pain, and if there is dull pain and it gets worse during an exercise stop that exercise, either you're doing it wrong or it's wrong for you. There are a dozen ways to target and indirectly target a muscle. The "right" way should be fun and smooth with no pops or weird pains.

If you pull a tendon, then nothing for a month, then go back to it slowly.

Drink lots of water, clean underwear, wash behind your ears.

I was just reading about how less is sometimes more for gains, I believe it actually. 3/7 is getting me huge gains like I'm already back to full on a few exercises and I didn't go into the gym seriously for 3 and a half years. Damn.

Shrugs were like nothing happened, but my traps were always retard strength. On the other hand, 3 years without a leg day and I'm at half my last peek in 2019 which is insanly bad, only like 450lbs on leg press instead of 900-1000.


Forgive me father for I have sinned... (Jesus she cussed at me?!)