Alice 11/06/2023 (Mon) 18:22 No.2440 del
(61.54 KB 1000x1000 sick bear.jpg)
>Superspreader Bear
So much for never ever being sick, huh? Oh man, almost forgot that's still a thing but Covid isn't going anywhere, it's here to stay like the flu. Paxlovid is gud, easy to get here on prescription if you show decent symptoms. That reminds me, gotta drag host parents to get booster vacccinated they're reeeally old but you know, stubborn Bavarians and like yeah whatever maybe later.

Strange, we never ever got Covid, at least not symptomatic, never tested positive but our close contact to other people is minimal. Not zero so we get some exposure to pathogens but we're never in a room full of pesky humans.

Well we hope you get well soon, all the best! At least you didn't skip leg day!