Bear 11/07/2023 (Tue) 04:05 No.2445 del

Symptoms included aches and 102 Strong American degrees, felt pretty sick in general for a few hours, shivers and that sort of thing.

As of about 4 hours ago, I drank my smoothie and felt instantly better, maybe it was the ginger. I still have a slight runny nose but it doesn't feel bad. My exgf is getting the paxlovid for me and the other stuff the doctor recommended. She's like a surrogate Alice, taking care of her Bear (but I'm not my exgf's anymore, suck it).

I guess I see Bestie about every day for one reason or another and she was very disappointed that her playmate couldn't play like I usually do when I stop by mama-bestie's house for what she does for my business <undisclosed>.

I'm tired and that's about it now. No fever right now.