Lunges Bear 03/02/2024 (Sat) 13:04 No.3341 del
3x20 check.

It wasn't fun but I did it without cheating or collapsing, straight without stopping. 30 seconds between sets.


On the subject of rest, experts recommend a minute between sets, and I used to do that too. But with 15 exercises to do and 3 sets each, that's 45 minutes of rest during a workout. Did you come here to rest? Jesus.

So I cut it to 30 seconds and that seems to be enough. 22 minutes of rest in a 2 hour workout is reasonable.

Speaking of workouts, I couldn't wait and bundled all my favorite exercises push/pull into day 1 and shoulder/legs in day 2. Old day 3 was really sparse and shoulder is light as well so it only follows that I'd combine them. It was great. So that helps me with time management and I'm not going to be so tired. Day one was 2 hours of actual workout time and Day two was still only an hour and a half. add cardio and combine we're looking at 5 hours of workout a week which is fine.

Pre-workout meal:
As you may know I'm on a very strict diet right now but you can't workout starving, especially me because I'll cramp. So I eat a cup of granola with a cup of milk, that's 500 calories. My workout plus cardio is about 500 calories as well so that's a good match. It works really well. If I eat too much before a workout I'll get a tummy ache and with too little I'll cramp as I said so it's a good balance and it works for me. Try it out as you see fit.