Anonymous 05/19/2024 (Sun) 22:15 No.28546 del
And how, exactly?
Are you going to repeat it until you die?
That's not proof of me being the things you project onto me.
You're a physical, real, human being hiding behind a screen. You aren't in anyone's heads, Lemonz.
No, the only thing I'm doing is your mom. I don't do anything to "minors".

Drawing is not disgusting people.
Designing is not disgusting people.
And I'm sure even making a FICTIONAL, CREATION isn't disgusting anyone. It's only the people who choose to look at it daily, instead of simply ignoring it - that find it "disgusting".

Like, okay you saw rintoo porn? Why the fuck are you on it if you hate it so much? Are you in fact into getting yourself embarrassed, or do you like it and you dont wanna admit?