Anonymous 05/21/2024 (Tue) 05:26 No.28704 del
>The consequence of being archived without consent is bad.
To the person doing terrible things. I agree, stop making your aberration publicly available. And shamelessly relating more and more, atrocities.
>the one immediately responsible for that and *will* feel regret someday, if not eventually.
Why should I feel bad?
I didn't force you to make a scene and name known on my stomping grounds, you threw your pdd at the water, and now all of a sudden you're surprised at what bit?
>Making an autistic person feel uncomfortable just because you want to bother them all day.
Things stay calm, then you show up. And awake it all again . I want only two threads alive. And to get into it with swedebro, for telling me he won't speak to me in English. But here you are stealing spotlights.