Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 06:46 Id: 20a29c No.51904 del
(1.12 MB 2788x4096 GIoh6y0bsAA9Byn.jpg)
Got any other bad video game ideas floatin' around up there?
I wonder if anyone at Sony got fired, or at least demoted.
>how often
It's legit like 50/50, the layout of all bases is identical per map, they cycle through like two max layouts per bot outpost. The bugs get shafted even more than that, there's legit only one model for each type of bug hole. This is really noticeable on Stalker Lairs, and Shrieker holes, each is identical.

Not so much curse, just... kinda knew what would happen.
Just can't tell you why I know, y'know?