Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 07:38 Id: 20a29c No.51912 del
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Yeah, I know you were, but "bouncing on ur goomba" is too obvious, need to throw a curve ball. Besides, there's enough porn of everything in Mario EXCEPT Mario fucking Peach by now, that do we really need a lewd Mario game?
Oh they'll try it again. They just have to go back to the drawing board on how to legally fuck you.
Like I said, the game is actually really good at not doing it, I'm shocked it HASN'T happened. Yet.

It's legit way easier to just add/join through Steam, you still know my old Steam ID? The Helldiver friend code shit is still bugged.
...unless... unless Motley really is a PlayStation fag and doesn't want anyone to know...