Reader 05/08/2024 (Wed) 15:13 Id: b6984d No.22542 del
>At least one Democrat couldn’t ignore the hypocrisy. “At this time in our history, when we are watching Republican legislatures across the country really attack access to the ballot and attack voting rights and fundamentally attack democracy, I just think it’s fundamentally wrong for Democrats to participate in something that makes it harder for people to run, to run for office, makes it harder for folks to engage,” Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) said.

Having voter ID laws does not prohibit people from voting, it only prohibits people from cheating. We have voter ID laws in my State, all that means they know I live in the State and county I vote in, I'm not just some outsider going from one area to another and illegally voting elsewhere trying to impose my politics into other areas. Voter ID laws are sane and common sense to prevent fraud and abuse. That's my two cents.