Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 10:25 Id: a592b8 No.92434 del
>Anyone else still have delusions about the true form of the KGB run shithole
Let me see a national demographics of mine country
Around almost whole gen X, some boomers or anyone who is descendant of the mentioned and got it cut by very sharp saw into head.
>Perhaps someone still believes demented pedophile dwar
About this poison someone would need to explain you the painful realization how if the western globohomo zog falls then eastern red nazbol zog that is completly same as blue zog will take triumph in NWO agenda
I would recommend you to look into reaseach showed in doc "what you need to know about ukraine war" made by i think they are called hyperborean research and on key degenerate in that idea to undermine NS etc under nazbol poison to create kosher front or better living example of lenins quote of controlled opposition
>Alex Dugin
Here you have a piece of what i mean and how such idiots who bite that eurasian nazbol bait work