Sunflower 03/28/2022 (Mon) 22:22:06 Id: 972fd5 No.1182 del
>I don't understand half your post
I got "physical" bunnies appearing in my life for the weirdest of synchronicities and someone that calls himself the "emperor" of Galfed (he uses this title because there is no better equivalent in earth terms...) He just appeared and told me things. I need to finish my path before I dare to even write down what he said.

Whatever the findings of my mystery currently. Don't go down the rabbit hole as they say... but what if the bunny comes to you and it's not willing to leave? Then when it leaves you get a new one?

And the other part is the 2 ears of the bunny. How it puts up it's ears before he is willing to raise it's head from the grass.

I want to say more but I am unable to write this down in a concise not schizo rambling way. I will figure out what I need to say before I write it down. At this level words are the most unreliable things ever.

>I don't want it but if it has value to bunnies, they'd want to come here and get it for free then.
So you also let the red spike return to it's original form after it finished the "purification" for you

Funny thing the first bunny was black with white foot. Now the current bunny has more white in it. I don't need a 3rd white one to figure out the symbolism now.