Sunflower 07/03/2022 (Sun) 10:00:57 Id: 7dcbd6 No.1680 del
While working to stabilize things around me, I recalled one person in my surroundings had a golem soul, which I had "defeated" and made to expire (form into a stone tablet). Having different spiritual entities possess the form of the person while taking turns using a contract works, but keeps making me nervous. Not that it won't work or that I think my contract won't hold, but still. I kept feeling there may be a loophole in it. Even with a few 100 different spirits on the list taking turns to be the person, what if they somehow were prevented from keeping it up? It's happened before that lyrans started removing and incarnating souls kept at my mansion because their allowed stay was about to expire and I didn't notice (they incarnated them as lyrans to make sure they're not lost).

I had the stone tablet of the original person's golem soul placed as the "back bone" personality to fall back on if no one else could possess the form, and it worked. Because it's a real soul who was incarnated as the person originally the universe will have to accept that, even if it's normally seen as an overstay. If a person becomes immortal in any form, it's ok.

This made me think, could I place such a golem to act as myself? Such as if I want to leave (astral travel etc) but keep activities up physically while I'm away?
But a golem is just a botsoul. It's external to myself and a would still expire or possible be stolen by someone at one point. But then I realized: whoever makes the botsoul expire owns it. What if I create a copy of my full personality, using the exact form as manifested in the physical layer. A person can be written down exactly as they are in this form because there are a limited number of parameters defining what a human is.

As I had recently completed the form of my personality for this lifetime, I used that, taking it up to the perspective of a higher god (in theory) and created a derivate of the perfected form down here. Then I created a golem soul in a space under my complete control and made it expire by running the time to infinity within this space, forcing it to only learn who I am. This created a golem stone tablet of myself within my possession.

I placed it as the backbone control of my physical body and it works! If I don't actively take control, things now go on auto. It's perfectly seamless with no hesitation, as I would have done it. I don't know what form it took, but I think I would have used a similar method to become as effective as I was in my previous lives (I don't have full view of them).

Some of my greys liked the method and copied the approach. Their stone tablets became black with red runes. One of the things they wanted was to become automatons, but it didn't work because souls escape if the body is made too robotic with no individuality. This solution however is not based on the body, but on the soul, and the person's own personality being "fossilized".