Sunflower 08/31/2023 (Thu) 17:10 Id: ef047e No.4166 del
Alright I understand what you're getting at. Altought I'm not sure if I will start a yoga routine now but let's see what I can do. With that being said I think it's time to go do instead of posting but before that there's one last thing on my mind. Would you say that after completing the circle and attaining the "physical" immortality, the body actually becomes metaphysical instead of just pyhsical? You called it a projected form, so that would mean the body becomes something like a energy structure projected by the mind/consciousness instead of just being physical flesh and blood as it applies to normal mortals? This is something I still don't quite get. If it's a projected form you could project pretty much anything or even not project it at all. Is this right?