Shopping and Sightseeing Joy the DM 05/10/2024 (Fri) 03:44 No.4237 del
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>>4235 [Embed]

As you all pick up to leave you notice Freya placing something on the wall.

Important Notice.jpg

You leave the guild behind on a quest to buy all the necessary equipment you need to survive outside the city gates.

The sights, sounds, and smells of the market district intoxicate the senses with pleasures unimaginable outside such a large city. Almost everything is for sale.

I will accept purchases within reason even if reasonably made up. For example, there is no 4 person tent in 5e but there is a 2 person tent, so assume a 4 person tent probably costs 50% more and weighs 50% more. as it's basically just adding a tube of material and struts in the middle. I'll adjust something if it sounds suspect.

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