Anonymous 12/13/2023 (Wed) 11:15 No.41882 del
What rubs me the wrong way about this is that I don't understand what special interest groups would want to get out of it, in what way she'd be valuable. She's adding to the polarization, yes, but other than that, what does she or can do that would make it worthwhile? Some of her deep dives would definitely make certain people unhappy. And it's not like she tried very hard to not fade into irrelevancy. She never truly embraced alternative free-to-watch platforms to post content or produce freebie videos to lure in paid subscribers. Didn't tweet regularly so people don't forget about her.

She's not dumb and knows that this would've helped her get ahead. Some people say that she stopped being useful, but how is Be Not Afraid and a few counter-culture videos worth prepping her up or compromising for?