Anonymous 12/15/2023 (Fri) 02:18 No.42137 del

From a marketing/branding standpoint, the change from "LtCorbis" to "Soph" was incredibly bad. Whomever advised her to do that was incompetent in the extreme. Think about it. The SEO would be unbelievably bad and brand-recognition from other influencers would just add huge amounts of confusion. How many influencers or whatever have the name "Soph", especially in this age of everyone putting out content on all the platform out there?

I remember looking at that around 2019-ish and thinking "Holy shit, this kid's management is retarded. They just hobbled her career." It was a brand disaster that anyone with an ounce of sense could have predicted. Who was she being advised by? Her parents? That brazilian guy that everyone found creepy?