Anonymous 12/18/2023 (Mon) 12:26 No.42511 del
What were those "rare videos very few people know about." you were looking for? Do you still have the Shadman chatlogs? What did you find out about Victor? What did the person that reached out to you and claimed she was in some kind of weird cult say? What did you mean by saying she's into esoteric shit? Where did you get this from that she does acid, has a gambling problem, and gets hammered on wine? What are those "things" she does exactly? How do you know that she's having group sex and burning coal? What was the Rotterdam thing? What else?

You've been referencing a lot more of your claims on Gab than on twitter. But there were many times when you've did little more than allude to knowing something but not spitting them out. You wanted someone to hear you out, right? It's happening now.