Anonymous 12/27/2023 (Wed) 22:55 No.44368 del
Alright the artist formerly known as Gary. I know that in spite of this, you care about her, sometimes. That you don't want to care but did so many times and tried really hard to help her. And she still needs your help, urgently, as do I. Please contact me as soon as you can under the email I'm leaving here. I'll try my best to repay the favor and if you could approach me with good faith you could discover that I can relate to you because I've went through something very similar as you did since about 2020. Please open up with telling me who "Linus" and "The Old Woman" are, so I can know that it's you. Thank you for your efforts and please give me a chance. Try to read my intentions, I'm benign. I'm looking forward to talk to you soon, please and thank you.