Anon 04/30/2024 (Tue) 00:20 No.10288 del
I watched the 2000s "Naruto" series up to the point where it has a bunch of "filler" episodes, and I watched those up to the rich boy episode ("money jutsu"). The series "My Hero Academia" (MHA) is overall worse than "Naruto" in my opinion. MHA is has better animation and maybe less "filler" though.

I was thinking of the memories/continuity thing when writing that post. I decided to not write about it. Solutions:
. Easy: each individual including the original documents their live, via a book or video of whatever.
. Sci-fi nonsense: digitized mind that can be transferred/duplicated or merged into a mind

I wonder when or if human cloning will ever become publicly available. Seems more of an easy solution compared to cryogenics. With cryogenics, the dead body is cooled down a lot (no ice crystals) and stored by some business that you hope will exist in the future; and you hope that future technology can revive you. Rich people would probably pay to clone themselves.