Anon 05/09/2024 (Thu) 01:52 No.10331 del
Don't have it. That thread = 2023-12-25. What I have = both 2023-12-11:

>At this point I am more worried about a different ZFS HDD which is degraded: possibly unexpected "lemon", real concerning and maybe will die soon.
It's true that I was unlucky with that one. z8: size=4.55T, 94% filled, frag=19%, HEALTH=DEGRADED and "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdc" says
> Current_Pending_Sector 26
> Power_On_Hours: 2452
> Spin_Up_Time: 1908
> Load_Cycle_Count: 13931
> Reallocated_Sector_Ct + Seek_Error_Rate + Reallocated_Event_Count: 0

It's actually DEGRADED after only 2,452 hours of being powered on (working most of the time I guess). Why? Maybe many reads/writes did it. It can xfr at ~50 MB/s max, so maybe I can copy it all to za before it dies. Avg. xfr = ~20 MB/s. It has multiple no data available errors, such as
>rsync: [sender] read errors mapping "/z8/web/5c7362d/zootube/Mare day creampie [5151].mp4": No data available (61)

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