Sunflower 05/18/2024 (Sat) 18:01 Id: 949664 No.7829 del
>For our spiritual lurkers:
>a variant of the metal slime creator device

"You don't want to know"

A black hole core contained in a sphere made from "graphite slime" with "the element of mass murder" as the principle.
We're now in serious dark territory, but it is necessary.
Some modules for this device: [Kiss of Death], the standard profile. [Caracal], desert beast humanoid. [Demon Loli], self explanatory. [Asian Assassin], specialist for dealing with the top of the top of the NWO.

The few remaining NWO hives use pinecone armour of a type which would take 10 years to cut through at the current time progression even when using the super effective metal slimes, if done in real time. They can cheat by moving in 4D which is beyond time, but there is also serious time-line entanglements to make it difficult. It's not a question of mere cutting, once you get through, they'll have set off a dead man's switch which moves the timelines so that you lose track of them. This makes their organization wiggle and wring like an eel and very difficult to entrap.

Instead of trying to "grab an eel" or using advanced calculations to predict their movements (which is fully possible) this new device which has an insane difficulty level for activation, uses simple brute force to break through the shields by preying on their weakness; they've powered them using energy from mass abortions - the element of murder. For someone operating on this principle these shields are like shields of gasoline to a fire elemental.