Ashley 05/18/2024 (Sat) 14:25 No.4334 del
(107.39 KB 512x512 spa.jpg)

The brightly sconces and torches illuminate the space in a warm inviting glow, feeling more like a sunny day than the early evening. Ashley is momentarily apprehensive about Alice Otter but when Cat starts chasing her around she can't help but laugh and relax a bit.

Though she feels a little awkward and exposed, and intimidated by Cat's ample genetics, she begins to relax and enjoy the warming, sparkling water.

>Come on Ashley Nya! This will be fun Nya!

Ashly can't resist chasing after Cat and Alice Otter, She tries to flank Alice in an attempt to corner the splashing Otter-like menace of the spa and is soon laughing and splashing more than Alice ever threatened to. Unintentionally splashing Yulya in the process.

[Joy] When you all are done gadding about the spa, make your next move.