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The imageboard at the end of the universe

The story so far: In 2015 Endchan was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move

This is an anonymous imageboard that promotes ideas over identity. Here anyone can run their own boards. The only three global rules are:

We're actively working to improve the site. Any and all feedback is appreciated.

You must be 18 years or older to visit this site.

This site is actively moderated by our team of volunteers.

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>>/polru/492701 >>492700 Зашкаливала я бы сказал, а вот когда пидорах топило - вообще похуй было. Оно и верно - пидорахи расходный материал.
>>/rus/42957 >>42953 Ну можно кипятить бочку на Луне, строить на ней базы и жручую промку, строить там же корабли и хуярить их рельсотронами
>>/bb/130566 >>130511 А в чем прикол инсультницы?
>>/polru/492700 >>492697 Согласен я. Но и концентрация боли резко увеличилась именно после подписания, вот и подумал о днях грядущих. Что Мистер
>>/agatha2/65168 >>65167 So if you believe most here hate you, why continue to post? Is it like a form of self harm? If you know it's bad for you
>>/polru/492699 горе не беда
>>/polru/492698 >урон украинской армии на 200 миллиардов долларов. как похуй на пакет имаджинировали?
>>/polru/492697 >>492692 Она уже на второй десяток лет пошла.
>>/rus/42956 Мышка стала выебываться, игнорирует клики или вместо одного два раза прокликивает.
>>/ausneets/845329 A NEET had a slice of bread with peanut butter before bed once. Deepest sleep of his life, because he died of an unknown peanut
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We have multiple frontends and domains to avoid a single point of failure. We have a large number of user uploads and our moderation staff can't always keep up and monitor all content that is produced. Plus we have had several bad actors try to shut us down due to the nature of free speech (generally acceptable speech doesn't need to be protected).

Our Twitter Account or Telegram Channel is the best place for status

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Tor Backup:enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion
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Endchan is powered by MEME GOD DB and InfinityNow, a fork of Stephen Lynx's LynxChan engine.