Anonymous Admin 06/20/2021 (Sun) 16:03:35 No.152 del

It is nice to see /k/ommandos getting active here on Endchan.
On the home page you can find useful links such as to our IRC, Telegram, Discord channels, but most importantly to the Logs, the Help and the FAQ. Check the access options too. The global staff enforces only the global rules - found there as well - but we are trusting Board Owners to keep them on their own. Rule violating content can be reported globally by the form at every page, mark "Global" checkbox (add reason, fill captcha - maybe reload it a couple of times -. click Report).
You can contact us on the aforementioned platforms, but generally questions and problems regarding to the site belongs to >>>/operate/ since other users might interested in or affected by them, at least give us a day or two to reply.

I suggest the BO to get to know the board settings, couple of handy features there just in case. Also recruit Board Volunteers from the trusted userbase (they need to create an account and give their username, then add them via the board settings). Role signature can be used as well, check Moderation Manual and stuff.
As others already said, board CSS can be changed.
On occasion newcomers don't know how to delete their own posts: before posting add a password to he password field.
>>151 Yes, sage works.

Feel free to invite others or advertise this place elsewhere.

Thank you guys, enjoy your stay.