Anonymous 01/09/2016 (Sat) 04:49:48 No. 4 del
In other words, something similar to this picture.

There are principles in occultism that can be discerned via an observation of life. Things operate in cycles; things have opposites; basic principles carry through all reality which itself suggests a fundamental indivisible medium of reality; et cetera. These principles are surprisingly effective in application and can be composed to explain more complex phenomena in many fields.

Because it is so tantalising, many people are led to it. They may try to spread it. Perhaps the gatekeepers of the information or people who otherwise don't want this kind of useful knowledge spread present misnomers and red herrings, to sort the men from the boys, and ensure that only the people privy to critical thought can figure them out. Perhaps it's simply the way that truth becomes diluted over time and becomes dogma as it filters through the hierarchy of people from the smart to the dumb. It's difficult to prove on cue, so it would be modest to think that it's likely a combination of these two things (trapping and dilution).