Anonymous 09/30/2024 (Mon) 09:22 No.102534 del
Bee and medoi are going to concert. It's medois favorite band and bee got her the tickets for her birthday. They drive 2 hours to get there, park and start walking towards the venue. it's not until they get to the door that bee realizes she doesn't have the tickets. her wallet and the tickets are sitting back at home in her other purse.

medoi can't believe it. how the hell could she not have checked before they left? how could she forget the one thing they needed, her birthday present, her favorite band, maybe the only chance she'll ever get to see them? all of these thoughts are racing through her head, her face is getting red her temperature is rising, her teeth start to grind. she comes back to and is ready to unload all these questions, all the anger and disbelief onto her careless forgetful partner. but when she looked up and saw the tears, the lip quivering, the small frame of her beloved shaking... all of those angry frustrated thoughts instantly dissipated. bee was clearly already crushed with guilt, she was just as disappointed. how could she add to that and what good would it do to pile on more?

Medoi pulled bee in close, wrapped her arms around her, kissed her nose, kissed her forehead, little tiny little pecks to kiss the remaining tears away. holding bee in her arms she could feel her ease up, feel the trembling stop and so did the tears. "It's ok baby, I know, let's go home". with a couple final sniffles and a quiet "okay" they were off. their first concert together wasn't the biggest success but there will be plenty more to come.

to be continued...