11/02/2024 (Sat) 15:49
>>109859Guilt? A little maybe. Cewl was my buddy,, I would have prefered if she took my advice and not sat there calling me a pedro and trying to get her simps up in arms about me.
I don't actually enjoy hurting my friends, but admittedly once that bandaid got ripped off it was fun.
>>109861No, trust me. If I wanted to derail every single thread I would do so, the moderation on this board seems pretty tolerant and I'm technically not breaking any rules.
The only threads I've posted on were this one, Bees, which I inssulted her after she insulted me and I more or less fucked off, Vamps, which was mostly me just calling out the impersonators, and uhh.... Oh, Vore, but in fairness I used to know Vore a while ago. I saw her tits before the hoards of simps here on Agatha, not that that means anything ^.^
>>109870That would be an interesting twist that even I didn't see coming. Turns out Doom had dissociative identity doomorder