Anonymous 11/03/2024 (Sun) 21:15 No.110334 del
(44.42 KB 640x640 3ea.jpg)
Weak gas lighting.
You atlesat asked yourself if I was being for cereal with >>110320
That's a really funny meme that is fairly unrelated to the situation. Allow me to share a really funny meme that is fairly unrelated to the situation as reciprication for your, frankly, enjoyable sense of humor ;)
At some point we turned Cewls quest for attention into a Shakespearean play of epic proportions.

If you don't get it I'd advise you check her older threads. I think things started around thread... 16/17?

Alternatively don't bother to try and understand the lore of what is happening and just go with it. It's a lot of fun either way.