11/16/2024 (Sat) 22:47
>>112918yes, this. there's something very suspicious about this girl like she's hiding something. there's no way you're 18 and this naive about imageboard culture, "orbiting culture" and what people here are trying to do by ingratiating themselves with her.
>>112931take your own advice, grow up and meet an actual woman in real life rather than trying to form a parasocial relationship with a mentally ill attention seeker. you say no one will meet anyone here as if it's unheard of for people from the internet to meet each other in real life. several of the stupid whores frequently posted in this shithole have met up with men from 4chan, most of the garbage that swoops in to pick up these damaged females are low inhibition sociopaths who placate them with drugs and the whores go with it because they're also low inhibition junkie degenerates. if "ki" were a smart person with any integrity she would distance herself from this community and stop posting herself here to you smelly dicked disgusting retard niggers.