Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 14:11 No.115352 del
>Your claim that science will solve all forms of pollution and depletion on Earth just because everyone wants it really badly
Not science, capitalism. Not wants, but NEEDS.
The psychology behind why anyone tackles any problem really just comes down to "I will be rich!". That's Edison, Ford, Musk, and really all other inventors you can think of. You get rid of capitalism, and now there's no further incentive for anyone to tackle big problems since there's really no point to it, better to just go into corruption instead (welcome to the communist world). There's an endless list of evidence that show capitalism is very fucking effective at solving human problems. There's not a single evidence of leftist economic models ever solving any fucking problem.
>In truth the scientific consensus is that exploiting the planet's resources at the current rate is completely unsustainable
Fuck your scientific consensus, scientists are cuckolds that are paid to reach certain "conclusions". They operate on the same free market principles of seeking to supply whatever is in demand (there is a lot of money in proving that muh earth is dying). Yeah, at the current rate we will surely run out of resources at some point, just like how we will eventually run out of coal and we won't be able to operate our steam engines any longer, oh wait, we don't use steam engines anymore, how did scientists not predict that?!
Ultimately humans operate on reward, instead of eliminating reward, seek to create a system that rewards "positive" behavior, rather than "negative" behavior (for example, corruption was illegal in the USSR, yet the reward for it was far too great to ignore, and also the only "reward").
I also want to point out the fact that all investment towards a potential solution to microplastics and other form of pollution is literally coming from the USA. While the the green eurocucks are doing fuck all about it besides taxing the average person while they get assfucked by niggers and Russia due to economic decline.
You present no solution to the problem besides pointing out the problem, as is typical of leftist ideology.