Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 15:39 No.115371 del
>Those "incentives" are better than the nothingness of socialist economies
Your head is so far up your ass you didn't even realize I said absolutely nothing about socialism.
>I can't predict that
Then base your assumption on the current knowledge we have instead of praying to the sci-fi gods.
>but leaving the system open to innovation from private individuals and rewarding those who solve the biggest problems is probably a good idea
The system is open to innovation from private billionaires and rewards those who help them destroy or living environment and resources for their short term gain.
Sustaniable solutions are never the most remunerative option because they're an investment for the distant future.
By the time the Earth will be too unlivable to not warrant immediate action it will already be too late, and no there is no future utopia in space.
>it does seem that humans are also very adaptable
It does not. Our species is extremely young and it's already showing clear signs of decline and a lackluster project for our near future. Flies and ants are highly adaptable, not us.
>Alex Jones is how I'd imagine every working class man to be in a proper right wing, masculine society
A society of Youtube talking heads.

None, this is hell.