Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 16:57 No.115379 del
>Your head is so far up your ass you didn't even realize I said absolutely nothing about socialism.
Offer an economic model alternative to the capitalism which you so despise that will solve the issue of excessive consumption, environmental decline, and pollution while still being able to outcompete your geopolitical rivals.
>Then base your assumption on the current knowledge we have instead of praying to the sci-fi gods.
Your scientists wrote a paper about how the Earth is dying, boohoo, time to cry about it and demand societal collapse because a tree died.
>The system is open to innovation from private billionaires
Neither Musk nor Bezos nor Gates nor Altman nor Huang were billionaires when they started out. Are you jealous of their success because of their ability to solve problems is better than yours? You sound like those dorks who seethe about the kid in class who is just really damn good at Maths and I hate him. I guess we should make it so no one can be successful so I don't have to be jealous, right?
>rewards those who help them destroy or living environment and resources for their short term gain.
The possibility for them to exploit these short term gains are coming from the demands of common people, like you. Stop eating processed meat and jacking off to hentai on your iPhone 27 MaxTron if you wish to end this excessive depletion of our resources.
>Sustaniable solutions are never the most remunerative option because they're an investment for the distant future.
They will be if the resources become scarce enough, or if the demand becomes high enough. Sustainable solutions are also a concept that exist within a society that hasn't yet progressed past a certain technological level, let's say we still used steam engines and scientists tell you that coal is a limited resource, so in your pathetic soyboy brain you start freaking out because you can't envision a future where we move past the use of coal, that's you right now. (we can't let billionaires continue being created because le bad and I can't acknowledge that technology advances otherwise it would defeat my entire anti-capitalist narrative that relies entirely on the point that there is no future sci-fi utopia and we're stuck here so we must degrowth to save the planet which we will never escape from).
>Our species is extremely young and it's already showing clear signs of decline and a lackluster project for our near future.
Humanity has fallen because a man is rich, it's over. We're dying out and no I won't let you convince me that we aren't, it's over for us, we need to kill the economy and let Chinkoids rape us because I'm scared and I said so.
Maybe billions will die, but at least we might get somewhere in the end. Maybe AI will outcompete humanity to the point where we become irrelevant and die out, much like our ancestral species. In the end it seems to me that leftist ideology is dying out largely because of where technology is headed, which is making it increasingly difficult for any society which isn't hard right to compete. The common people will suffer because of this, greatly, as those on the lower IQ levels are no longer relevant, and I don't really care about them.