Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 17:21 No.115386 del
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>Offer an economic model alternative to the capitalism which you so despise that will solve the issue of excessive consumption, environmental decline, and pollution while still being able to outcompete your geopolitical rivals
Read Pentti Linkola's "Can Life Prevail?".
>Your scientists wrote a paper about how the Earth is dying, boohoo, time to cry about it and demand societal collapse because a tree died
Sounds a lot more realistic than worshipping nonexistent scientists inventing a nonexistent panacea to solve all the world's issues just because you prayed very hard.
>Neither Musk nor Bezos nor Gates nor Altman nor Huang were billionaires when they started out
And I suppose you're the next one to join them, right?
The world will never run out of mediocre and amoral idiots who dream big just because their saints said it's possible on tv while they waste their life drinking booze in bumfuck Omaha.
The only thing that sets you apart from them is that you spend your days here, explaining your teen-brained ideology to anons while jacking off to communist lolitas.
Honestly if we started betting on who will rope first in this thread you would be my winning horse, you're the only one who runs faster than the troons.
Nobody is asking Musk to own four aicrafts.
Everything they do is primarily in their own interest.
>They will be if the resources become scarce enough
They're already scarce enough. Agriculture, public health and safety and commercial fishing are already being devastated by ecological collapse and generating enormous economical losses.
Keeping perpetually sick patients in the clinic is more remunerative than eliminating the sickness.
>muh AI
>muh space travel

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