Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 22:32 No.115438 del
It's original file of one from site's front page. That link looks like this:,h_406,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/112d56_a85e84fefec9485fb47c0e657f81d3dc~mv2.jpg

All of these can be changed, I'm not an expert but they look like ImageMagick parameters:
/v1/ to /v2/
/fill/ to /crop/
w_980 = width
h_406 = height
al_c = alignment
q_85 = jpeg quality
usm_0.66_1.00_0.01 = unsharp mask
enc_avif = codec
quality_auto = some another quality
112d56_a85e84fefec9485fb47c0e657f81d3dc~mv2.jpg = download filename

Usually there are just a few versions of same image pre-scaled and pre-cropped to set number of resolutions for use as thumbnails and at different browser window sizes. This one does 'em all. You can pass any parameters, and it will letterbox, crop, scale and compress in real time, server-side. This is how WIX handles images apparently.

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