Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 00:39 No.115921 del
The person hating this chit-chat is Mako/Elliot, the stalker who used to make her threads and the one who posted the photo of my ex (>>115897), using the filename I gave him. The timestamp in the file name was meant just for you, it serves as a canary token of sorts. Mako and Elliot throw hate on Cewl and her orbiters out of jealousy, and you can see how much one of them or both were trying to make it look like I have nothing to do with Cewl (I already have proven half of it, expect the photo later as I couldn't sleep well), or they say I am a bad person for her:
>>113905 - Jelly flag.
>>113939 - It was most likely this person who posted it and I contacted Odilitime (website owner) to remove it, although it was wrong info, Odili knew it was better be safe than sorry...

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